Love and Giggles


$35.00 $50.00

Our Princess Mermaid Playdough Kit is one of adventure and magic for little one's that love all things mermaids! Mix and match the figurine and adorable accessories to create a whole new magical world of fun.

Our mini kits are perfect to take along when travelling on family vacations. We know all kids, big and small will have the best time with this fun playdough kit.

Laugh x Create x Imagine x Play


  • 1 mermaid figurine, as pictured. 
  • 1 (210g) jar of the softest handcrafted, all natural, scented playdough in our Pink Ocean Luxe playdough jar with a sprinkle of eco-friendly biodegradable glitter on top. 
  • Ocean themed accessories and castle, as pictured. 
  • Ocean themed playdough cutter (assorted styles, one selected at random).
  • Calico drawstring bag.

DELIVERY: Please allow 5-7 business days for the creation of your handmade playdough. All orders with express shipping will still have a turn around time of 5-7 business days as everything is made to order. If you need it for a specific date please leave a note at checkout and we will do our best to get this out to you sooner.  

WARNING: Choking Hazard. Contains Small Parts. Always supervise your little ones while they play. Contains wheat flour. Recommended for ages 3+ 

CARE: To prevent products from fading, do not store or keep in direct sunlight for a prolonged period. Playdough lasts for 3-6 months. Keep sealed in jars provided in a cool dry place, out of the sun or out of humid areas. If playdough becomes warm after play please let it cool completely before placing back in jars. 

To prevent accessories and figurines from fading, do not store or keep in direct sunlight for a prolonged period of time. 


Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Ayla Akarsu
5 star look

Purchased as Christmas presents for my neices so can't really say yet. All I can say is they've got a 5 star look. And love the plastic free packaging.