Are you ready for some Halloween fun?! If you're looking for some spooky Halloween sensory play ideas then we have the right Halloween kit for you!
I'm so excited to share with you 10 sensory play activities that can be easily setup for your littles to explore and learn through play. All these activities have so many benefits such as developing and refining fine motor skills, using maths and problem solving skills, learning about cause and effect, encourages language development and builds on their vocabulary.
While they play, you can observe and ask them open ended questions to connect with your child such as what does the playdough smell like? what does it feel like? what can you see? etc.
Are you ready for the list of our 10 activities? Here it is!
1. Explore with playdough colours and texture and get creative! Make spiders, ghosts, spooky eyes and use the free printable playdough mats that come with our kits if desired. Mix the two playdough colours together to see what colour forms! It's such a gorgeous colour! This is great for building on fine motor skills, problem solving, cause and effect and building on vocabulary.

2. Sort and count the trinkets, hide them in the playdough and get your littles to dig through and find them. Match shapes and patterns made from trinkets on the playdough and pull them out using tongs. These activities build on their vocabulary, math and problem solving skills, and cause and effect.
3. Make sensory bottles with red lentils or water beads with the Halloween trinkets inside. Shake the bottle and spot the spiders! Dancing spiders in water beads is always a fun one!
4. Make Halloween soup. Freeze some of the trinkets in ice cube trays and place them in coloured water for some scooping and pouring fun! We chose red food colouring.
5. Make Halloween jelly just by mixing gelatin, water and green food colouring. Five tablespoons of gelatin to two cups of boiling water should do the trick. Hide the trinkets in the mixture before placing in the fridge to set.
6. Make a bubbling cauldron with baking soda! Just set everything up on a tray with baking soda filled half way in the cauldron and more scattered around on the tray with the Halloween trinkets placed on top. Add drops of food colouring to the baking soda in the cauldron and around and then give your kids a cup of vinegar to pour over to see what happens!
7. Scoop and pour red lentils and Halloween trinkets into the cauldron! Just set everything up in a small tub with scoops and bowls.
8. Halloween water bead fun was our favourite! Add water beads to a small tub with the Halloween trinkets and the cauldron in the middle. Kids will have the best time exploring different textures. You could also add some coloured water for that extra Halloween touch! Keep the coloured water in a bottle for your little one to pour in and explore.
9. Place all the Halloween trinkets in a box and ask your toddler to guess what it is.
10. Place all the Halloween trinkets in a tray filled with water and freeze. When ready place, pop this out and place it in a tub with a cup of warm water and a cup of salt. Let your littles scoop salt onto the ice and pour warm water over and watch what happens! It will cause the ice to melt faster.
All these wonderful opportunities to learn from one Halloween kit for only $30! Now 15% off! It's not too late to order. If you're looking to try any of the fun water beads activities you can also grab our water beads kit here. It comes with an empty bottle and mini collapsible silicone funnel!
Grab your kit today for some spooky Halloween fun your little one will love!
- Amy x